Where are we?
Maui Showroom Address
431 Alamaha St
Kahului, Maui, Hawaii 96732
tel 808.873.8325
text 909.326.0888
Our new showroom as of November 2023, 431 Alamaha Street in Kahului. 1/2 Block from Dairy Road, a mile from the airport.
Outdoor Living Oahu Showroom
Design Center at Na Lama Kukui
560 N Nimitz Hwy #103,
Honolulu, HI 96817
For more information on our Oahu Store, visit us online at www.OutdoorLivingOahu.com
OR contact us directly at:
(808) 376-0097 OR Support@OutdoorLivingOahu.com
Maui Opening Hours
Our showroom hours are between 10am and 5pm Monday to Fridays, and 10am to 4pm on Saturdays.
Although the showroom is closed on Sundays, we can be contacted 24 hours a day through this web site!
And we can always arrange special appointments to fit your busy schedule, if need be.
Questions for our Experts?
We are happy to answer any questions you might have about the properties of teak, how to care for outdoor woods, exterior design and landscaping… Try us!